====== Examination board ====== The Examination Board consists of representatives of the Professors, the scientific staff as well as the student body. Its task is to make sure that all regulations of the examination rules are kept and to decide in individual cases on deviations and exceptions. The conctact person for the Board is the coordinator Dr. Simon Münstermann. All decisions are based on the examination rules and for all applications the indiviual situation of the students as well as the general implication for the study major is considered. Please not that board decisions usually take a minimum of one week. For most of the application cases there will be a form available for download at the department´s webpage ([[https://www.muw.rwth-aachen.de/cms/~mye/Materialwissenschaft-und-Werkstofftechni/?lidx=1|www.MuW.rwth-aachen.de]]). ===== Application forms ===== Application forms are available at the ([[https://www.muw.rwth-aachen.de/cms/~mye/Materialwissenschaft-und-Werkstofftechni/?lidx=1|www.MuW.rwth-aachen.de]]). Please use the proper form, sign it, scan it and send it to Master-MatEng@rwth-aachen.de.