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Rules´ structure

The regulative basis for your M. Sc. Materials Engineering study at RWTH is defined in the Examination Rules (“Prüfungsordnung, PO”).The rules are divided into two parts

  • General Examination Rules (“Übergreifende Prüfungsordnung, ÜPO”) that define the boundary conditions for all M. Sc. study majors at RWTH, and
  • Specific Examination Rules (“Studiengangsspezifische Prüfungsordnung, SPO”) that contain detailed rules for the specific study major.

Where to get the rules

Examination Rules are official legal documents that may be found on the RWTH web under Official Announcements (Amtliche Bekanntmachungen) both, in German and in English. Please look for “Materials Engineering” in the search field and make sure you do not mix it up with the German translation of the M. Sc. Werkstoffingenieurwesen called Materials Engineering, too.

Examination board

This board makes sure that the regulations of the examination board are applied in any case. Anything you will do in your study that is directly outlined in the rules, e. g. a regular intership in industry, or a mini thesis at a department´s institute do not require an application to the board. Within the rules, possible exceptions are already defined, e. g. by stating that a second minit thesis can be done instead of an internship, and it is also defined that in this case an application to the board is mandatory. Thus, you may generally apply for anything to the board. However, the board will always consider two perspectives on your case: First, your individual situation. Second, the implication for all other students if a precedence case is created.

blog/regulations.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 13:01 by simon